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Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to Make Data a Robust Medical Managment Tool

by Karen Wolfe

Data makes all the difference.” This is according to a White Paper published by LexisNexis®. Entitled, “More Data, Earlier: The Value of Incorporating Data and Analytics in Claims Handling” states that carriers can reduce severity payments by up to 25 percent.[1]

This is true for P&C carriers, but especially true for Workers’ Compensation payers where medical costs have steadily increased for decades. In Workers’ Compensation medical services are not limited by plan design. The costs for medical now amount to more than 60% of claim cost and they continue to climb. Nevertheless, data managed correctly, can make all the difference and save real dollars.

Big data
Big Data is currently in vogue. Everyone is talking about Big Data as though it will deliver a panacea of some sort. The notion is that organizing and analyzing copious amounts of data will produce new and improved insights, thereby gaining desired results. That may be true however, this outcomes is a function of complete, consistent, and accurate data. Unfortunately, data purity is rare, regardless of the size of the data set.

Bad data
The gains promised by Big Data are dependent upon data quality. Whether Big Data is comprised of large data sets or made up of many small data sets, quality may be the elusive factor. In order to achieve positive results using any data set, it must be complete and accurate. Duplicate records must be cleansed and merged for starters. More importantly, bad data input processes must be altered upstream where data is created. Standards for data quality must be set and enforced.

One reason data is of such poor quality is that little value has been placed on its veracity. That is changing as the vision for improved outcomes based on analytics is increasingly clear. Nevertheless, data input from the outset should be set to rigorous standards with accountability checks along the way. Automated imaging systems must be regularly calibrated to insure accuracy while individuals who input data along with their managers must be held responsible for the quality of the data.

Voluminous data
In Worker’ Compensation as with all insurance lines, comprehensive data is a fete accompli. Data has been collected digitally for decades, driven by claims payment requirements. In Workers’ Compensation, the claim is set up in the payer’s system and continually fed by incoming data. Mandatory reports of injury are submitted by employers and treating physicians. Bills from medical providers and others are streamed through bill review systems, then to claims systems throughout the course of the claim. Events such as litigation, court dates, and bills paid are documented in the claims system. Pharmacy is managed by the PBM (Pharmacy Benefit Management), thereby setting up an additional unique database related to the claim. Most payers also collect medical utilization review and medical case management data. The question is not the amount of data, but its quality and what can done with it. How is it applied?

Disparate data
Unfortunately, in Workers’ Compensation much of the data remains in separate silos. The focus has been on collecting the data. Now the question is, how to make data an operational tool that achieves the kind of positive savings results reported in the LexisNexis study. A different approach is needed.

Integrated data
Making data a useful work-in-progress tool is a matter of first integrating the data across multiple data sets relating to claims. This is sometimes a tedious process, but invaluable. The request and funding must come from the business units where anything related to data is not usually a priority. Business managers must begin to value the process of collecting good data and converting it to actionable information.

Analyzed data
Once the data is collected and integrated, analyzing it to gain the business knowledge is the task. Business managers can learn to articulate for IT what they want and need for decision support and other initiatives. IT has a role in assisting business managers in understanding how to ask more effectively for what they need. Cost drivers and trends can be uncovered in the analyzed data. Raw data is not a usable claims management tool, but analyzed and logically portrayed information can be powerful.

Current data
The power of data is best exploited when it is analyzed and made available to the business units as concurrently as possible. Intervention is far more effective when it is mobilized early.[2] Damage control is best achieved before it is irretrievable. Moreover, the analyzed data must be linked to operations, thereby making it actionable.

Knowledge derived from analytics is useless
until it is acted upon.

Linked data
Regardless of how impressive the analyzed data, it is useless unless acted upon. To actualize the data for useful application, it must be analyzed and re-presented to the business units in ways that can be easily accessed, understood, and applied. Through analytics, the data is transformed to knowledge: knowledge about conditions in claims, events, costs, and performance of vendors. Knowledge should not only be current, but should reach the operational front lines and portrayed in ways that promote action.

Actionable knowledge
Actionable knowledge is derived from analysis of the data that is presented to the business units in a functional form. To achieve measureable cost savings, continuously monitor the data, integrate, and analyze it, then re-present it to the business units in the form of easily interpreted knowledge and action tools. Individuals can be prompted by the system to take specific initiatives based on the knowledge, thereby creating a structured and powerfully enhanced approach to medical management with measurably positive results.

Karen Wolfe is the founder and President of MedMetrics®, LLC, a Workers’ Compensation medical analytics and technology services company. MedMetrics analyzes the data and offers online apps that super-charge medical management by linking analytics to operations, thereby making them actionable. karenwolfe@medmetrics.org

[1] A.Hassib. T.Fannin. More Data, Earlier: The Value of Incorporating Data and Analytics in Claims Handling LexisNexis® Risk Solutions. June, 2014
[2] K. Wolfe. Early Intervention Drives Better Outcomes, But is Not Really Pursued. http://medmetrics.blogspot.com/2014_10_01_archive.htmlenh

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